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Updated: 2024-04-26

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Home - Journeys - Netherland, Ameland 2023 - Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Along the mudflats.

Along the mudflats.

In the dunes.

In the dunes.

In the dunes.

In the dunes.

In the dunes.

In the dunes.

The beach.

The beach.

The beach.

The beach.

The polder.

The polder.

The beach of Nes.

The beach of Nes.

The first night on Ameland does not go so smoothly. That is not due to Hotel Restaurant de Jong in NesNes, but to Pia's stomach.
She wakes up in the middle of the night because she has to go to the toilet and what follows is quite a bit of diarrhea. Fortunately, it gets better after an hour or two and we can continue to sleep, but we did not get a good night's sleep.

In the morning Pia feels better again and we go for breakfast.
The coffee isn't too bad, there is a coffee machine that can also make espresso. It could have been a little stronger, but there's nothing wrong with it.
There are also a few types of good bread, and a few types of cheese and meats. There is also plenty of dairy, juice and fruit.
We also make a few sandwiches to take with us for lunch, we are Dutch after all.

During breakfast, Tom sees a hexagonal sign on a lamppost, could that be an ANWB cycle route?
And yes, it is the Ameland route. At the hotel we ask how long the route is, they do a quick search and come up with 41 kilometers. We are going to cycle that route.
As we are about to leave we start talking to a few other hotel guests who have been to Ameland before. When we go to Ameland again, they advise us to leave the car in Holwerd and take the veerboot only with the bikes, which saves money and is much more flexible; pedestrians and cyclists are always welcomeon the ferry. With a car you are dependent on the available places. And there is no need for a car on Ameland.

The weather is not optimal, it is cloudy and on the chilly side, but we are dressed warmly enough. Things go well at first, but on the pier to the ferry we miss a sign that, as we later see, is mounted on the wrong side of a pole. (Later, when we write this and include the ANWB description, it turns out that the route starts at the pier).
We then cycle for a while along the mudflats and then look at a monument for which we have to cross the dike. We also see a route sign there and we follow it. (Later, when we write this and have the ANWB description, it turns out that we should have followed the dike, it is a bit confusing).
We arrive in Hollum, and there we miss a sign, which means that we miss the part of the route past Ballum and the lighthouse. Along the way we often have the feeling that signs are missing or very hidden.
We arrive at the beach via Ameland airport and there we return to the route, which now leads well past Buren village over a good shell path through the dunes.
The weather is gradually becoming a lot more pleasant, sunny and considerably warmer.
Along the way we also take a look at the beach, which is very wide and extensive. This part of the route is very beautiful, and also quite busy, but the path is wide enough.
After Buren we turn left and continue the route through a polder landscape. We arrive at the mudflats again, unfortunately on the wrong (that is polder) side of the dike. We can cross the dike halfway, and there is also a cycle path and a place to sit. We eat the sandwiches there.
Via the village of Buren, where we miss another sign, we arrive back in Nes and then to our hotel. We cycled 31 kilometers.
Despite missing a few signs, and therefore part of the route, we think this is a route that is very worthwhile.

We then take a look at the ferries (on the south side of Ameland) and immediately ask how check-in works here.
Then we cycle to Nes beach (on the north side of Ameland). This is a very wide and, above all, very clean beach, where it is not too busy.
We decide to have a drink at the only beach bar, Sjoerd, where we luckily find a spot in the shade, in the sun and out of the wind it is very warm. They have good beer, including beer from Ameland, and we enjoy the peace and quiet and the beach for an hour.

Back in Nes we walk around for a while and then we decide to eat at the Hekseketel because the menu appeals to us. It turns out to be very busy, but we can still sit outside, and in the end the crowds aren't too bad, most people sit inside.
Pia orders a fish palette with three types of fish and shrimp, Tom a Surf & Turf. The food tastes great, we do not regret choosing this restaurant.
We close with a glass of tripel and a glass of coffee with Amelander liqueur.

Back at the hotel we go to the room. We are tired and we go to bed early.

Written on: 2023-09-30


We tell what we have done and experienced during a trip and we also tell what we think about it; no more and no less.

This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.